Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hot Glass Newbie

Hot Glass Newbie
Most excellent. Another glass blower is blogging. The Gnat is coming along nicely. Hopeing we can get him to visit Oklahoma sometime.

1 comment:

Is it sync'd yet? said...

Man talk about a Road Trip! There is anouther glassblower up in OK I would love to visit as well. His name is Ron and always comes down to do the Gulf Coast Arts Festival. I will dig his card out of my "working artists" pile and track him down if you would like to get in touch with someone around you. I believe he is right up against the East side of the state line somewhere. Has his own gas fired shop and works alone.

I guess I am telling you this so it might trigger some knowledge of him in your brain.

Let me know if you want the information as he is one of the nicest guys I have ever run up in the business. Took the time to really get to know me and work with me in the shop when he was down here. I look forward to seeing him at the show every year.
