Monday, May 24, 2010


I would like to create something for something. That is I would like us to come up with a glass object that would be unique and fairly easy and market it specific for donation to a cause, which cause tho too?

Can you all help me come up with something(s)?


Unknown said...

Do you want a medical cause? Kid's cause? The Rise School of Stillwater is needing funding to provide therapies (Physical Theray, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy) for children with special needs (Down's Syndrome, Autism,and other diagnosis). I will keep thinking. Beth McLean (Bill's wife)

Anonymous said...

How about breast cancer ,I have seen no blown glass pink ribbons anywhere. It would be a first. The pink ribbons are big sellers.

Anonymous said...

I know you are invested in the education of children. Wonder if there's a way to contribute to the public schools? Particularly to those schools in depressed neighborhoods? (there are a few around your studio) The OKC Board of Educ is not far from you either. Just a thought...