Thursday, February 23, 2006

Glass Artists - Group Map by Frappr!

Glass Artists - Group Map by Frappr!
This is a pretty neat website using the Google Earth Interface and along the lines of a MySpace site folks can put pins where they are located and more. Check it out. Put in a pin if you are a glass artist.

We have the new Steve Stadelman Glassworks furnace. Turned it on last night. It was at 400 degrees this morning. We should be blowing glass on Sunday afternoon. This is a thing of beauty to be sure. I will have photos soon and a webpage with details about the furnace.

Keep it Centered

1 comment:

Is it sync'd yet? said...

Yummy nice glass. Steve is sending me some fiberboard for my homebrew furnace.

I would like to be able to buy one of those high faluton furnaces one day. Get my blow on.
